About Us

Our family started out in the busy city of Dallas, TX. We worked in the city during the week and spent weekends taking the kids and dogs to our rural property in the woods. We camped, cut and split firewood, and cleared brush so that one day, we could build the farm of our dreams.

When the acreage was finally cleared and the house built, we loaded up the truck (and van) and left Big D forever. When Sarah, the youngest Ormsby, wanted to raise and show a Brahman heifer for her school's FFA program, we found Dakota (reg. name Ms. Dakota Manso). Meanwhile, one of the Ag teachers suggested that we get a couple of pals for Dakota, so she wouldn't be alone. So, our first goats Quint, Zuzu, and Bucky, were brought to the farm.

We gradually added more goats (Boer cross), some guardian dogs, and some chickens to our little operation. We eventually added registered Nubian dairy goats to the farm for their incredibly sweet milk that we also use to make delicious cheese. It's an ongoing process that we are enjoying every day.

There are fresh veggies from the garden (in season), farm fresh eggs (from our cage-free chickens) and animals that continually bring us countless blessings. We don't know how we could live without them.

Check out our "For Sale" page, or contact us by e-mail at kormsby@etex.net or by phone (903) 725-3473 to arrange for a visit some time.

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